Are you seeking to chart, refresh, re-establish your professional roadmap?
Are you feeling professionally wounded?We CAN HELP!
If you are pondering your professional landscape;
finding your professional voice.
We have a plan for you.Keep Your Passion Alive
We help you manage your professional transitions.About 42 percent of Americans have had a “career lightbulb” during the pandemic, according to a OnePoll survey commissioned by the Universal Technical Institute. In addition, a special report from the McKinsey Global Institute forecasts that over 100 million people worldwide, or 1 in 16, will need a different occupation by 2030. This represents a 12 percent uptick from pre-pandemic estimates.

The Universal Technical Institute says that the threats resulting from the pandemic have “reinvigorated people toward pursuing a career that is more fulfilling than their current one.” This time of uncertainty is a time of opportunity for professionals at all stages of their careers who are open to fresh career and professional experiences. People are asking themselves fundamental questions about leveraging their current professional status into what gives them the deepest sense of fulfillment and alignment with their core values.
Whatever your professional stage – early, mid-level, senior
we help you map your path, accelerate your growth, and amplify your path.Let's Get Started!
Learn online at your own pace, too!
Explore my main course and my mini courses, all designed to equip you with the tools you need.
Our Mission
Here at Strategic Transitions our mission is to help individuals in diverse fields and at every level define, shape, and actualize their professional selves.Our Vision
Are you looking to make a career change; bored with your current professional role; seeking a mission, a career purpose; making a transition within your current professional space; curious about where your professional path can go? We will help you.Our Support
We aim support a cadre a strategic thinkers who are connecting their professional paths with their life purpose.